
My neighbour, Sue, is the queen of mispronunciation. The other day she said she “pacifically” wanted to tell me about the 9 course “crustacean” menu she enjoyed recently at a fancy restaurant. The servings were apparently tiny.

Say what? And spell how?

My neighbour, Sue, is the queen of mispronunciation. The other day she said she “pacifically” wanted to tell me about the 9 course “crustacean” menu she enjoyed recently at a fancy restaurant. The servings were apparently tiny.

It’s 2019, and you’d be forgiven for thinking nothing much has changed in the world of writing for work. Many writers simply take too long to get to the point. They choose wordiness over brevity, increasing the chances of confusing their readers.

Happy New Year … now just get to the point. 5 Steps to Clearer Business Writing

It’s 2019, and you’d be forgiven for thinking nothing much has changed in the world of writing for work. Many writers simply take too long to get to the point. They choose wordiness over brevity, increasing the chances of confusing their readers.

“Get to the Point: Use Clear and Concise Business Writing.” How do you get to the point without seeming rude? Would it be helpful to know how to make your point quickly, request an action, push for a result – and not get people off...

New Course Now Available: “Get to the Point.”

“Get to the Point: Use Clear and Concise Business Writing.” How do you get to the point without seeming rude? Would it be helpful to know how to make your point quickly, request an action, push for a result – and not get people off...

I’m often asked why we need to bother to learn to spell given we now have a way of checking our spelling in pretty much every business document we create. We have autocorrect functions, we have spell check in Word, we have predictive text...

Speling Misteaks

I’m often asked why we need to bother to learn to spell given we now have a way of checking our spelling in pretty much every business document we create. We have autocorrect functions, we have spell check in Word, we have predictive text...